Looking To Hire a House Cleaning Service?
There are two main reason why you would want to hire a house cleaning service:
1) Get professional cleaning results - Cleaning professionals are trained in the use of equipment, material and methodology, so they are best prepared to achieve superior cleaning results. It takes an untrained person much longer to complete a cleaning task than a trained professional doing the same task at the same level of detail.
2) Save time - You value the practical, emotional and health benefits of a fresh and clean home, but you don't have the time, the inclination or the wherewithal to do the cleaning chores yourself. You have to invest a significant amount of time each week to maintain your home at your desirable level of cleanness. If you much rather spend that time pursuing more fulfilling activities like fraternizing with friends and family, pursuing a hobby, or reading a book, then you may derive great value from hiring a cleaning service.
Tips On Choosing a Service:
First, you should consider the benefits you want from a house cleaning program. Other than the obvious benefit of the manual labor to clean your house, you should also consider the quality and technical expertise of that labor, the integrity, reliability and consitency of the operator, the level of customer service, and other benefits that are important to you.
Second, you should arrange those benefits in a list by order of importance. This list constitutes your value system, that is, the system you will use to determine the value of a particular cleaning program.
Lastly, you should evaluate the cleaning service under consideration against your value system. Read their marketing materials and visit their web site to get clues on their value system and the caliber of their operation. If all looks good, ask for 3 or 4 references that you can call on. But don’t just let them hand you a list. Ask for references from people who you think will have a value system similar to yours. So if you are an allergy sufferer and the main reason you need cleaning service is to help you with your ailment, ask if they have a client in a similar situation that they can provide as a reference.
When talking to a reference, ask how long she’s been with the service, what she likes best and dislikes most about it, how happy she is overall and if she has recommended the service to friends or family, and if not, why not. Most importantly, ask how she would rate the service on a scale from 1 to 10 for the top four benefits on your list. You should only choose a service if it rates very high on the top two benefits on your list and if it is at least average or above on the next two.